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The woman I've been waiting for - Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
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So much to catch up on! - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
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Pain, pain go away
Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2003, 6:39 pm

I don�t know about this physical therapy thing. It doesn�t seem to be doing anything yet. By that, I mean, my knee still hurts.

And that�s really my problem in a nutshell. My knee hurts. One physical therapist tells me it most likely has nothing to do with the skiing accident I had 11 years ago that fractured my tibia and fibia, necessitating a couple of surgeries � one to insert a steel rod down the middle of my bone to hold it together, which meant the doctors had to go in at the knee (to get to the top of the bone). Basically had to get my knee out of the way. I have a really nice knee scar, thanks.

Another therapist says it probably has everything to do with it. You have an injury, your body makes adjustments over the year to deal with the resulting weaknesses, pains, etc. All these adjustments add up over time, and voila. You have knee pain.

Yeah, okay. Whatever. All I know is that the holistic approach is very slow. I know I can�t expect results overnight. After all, it took 11 years for the pain to show up, right? But my sessions involve these therapists who barely touch me. They put a little pressure on my shoulder to see if my hip moves. Yup, it does. That�s good. I�m all connected. A little pressure on the muscle inside my calf can work wonders on the knee muscle. Did you know that? Sort of like accupuncture without the needles. Anyway, it�s supposed to work. That with some simple stretching exercises, and I�m on my way to being cured. Sounds good, no?

Sounds good. But on Saturday I could barely walk. I was hobbled. I spent much of the day reclined with an ice bag, popping advil. Not an otherwise bad way to spend a day, but I had things to do! And it hurts, which makes me grumpy. By Sunday it was better. At least I could climb the stairs. Couldn�t do that on Saturday.

Yesterday and today it�s been sore. I limp. I have PT on Thursday. My sessions are once, sometimes twice a week. My doctor said to give it a month, and if it hasn�t gotten better, to come back in for xrays. Maybe they should have taken xrays to begin with. This feels like a waste of time, but I�ll go the distance, I guess. It�d be great if it works. No clinical setting, no sweating, no treadmills, no electric shock treatments. Just gentle touching and bending, massaging, and pressure. No pain. But no gain so far, either.

I was quite uncomfortable today as I tried to paint my toenails. I had to bend my knee into a position it didn�t like very much. But I persevered for vanity�s sake. Because I really like red toenails with my sandals. What�s a little pain when glamour is at stake?

Ah, I�m such a whiner, I know. But it hurts, and pain makes me grumpy.

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