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Happy Thanksgiving 2002
Thursday, Nov. 28, 2002, 7:45 am

Happy Thanksgiving!

My goal this year is to have a stress-free Thanksgiving. So far, so good.

To this end, I did all of the grocery shopping on Tuesday afternoon, instead of waiting until yesterday. That left yesterday afternoon free and clear, since I left work at 11:30. Naturally, I headed for the mall.

The only thing on my shopping list was shoes for B, and possibly for me, if I happened upon some that I liked. Last weekend I bought my holiday party outfit -- which is just FUN (remind me to describe it later) -- but, alas, it was made for someone 7 feet tall, so I have to have it hemmed. And, of course, before I can do that I have to find the right shoes. So that was what I had in mind as I strolled through the mall yesterday. By the way, a leisurely shopping trip without husband or child in tow is the ONLY way to go. Pure bliss.

When I'm by myself and feeling fine, I find myself wandering in and out of all the shops, meandering, window shopping. The way shopping is supposed to be done. Happened upon a Hallmark shop. Great! Here's my chance to pick up B's 3rd Christmas Ornament, and a birthday card for P. Across the way was a new children's store, so I went in and they were having a sale (gasp!) on holiday wear. Since I hadn't gotten B's "picture with Santa Claus" dress yet, I browsed. Oh, and found the perfect little black velvety/stretchy dress on sale for $10. Score!

Onto the shoe store, where I picked up B's tennis shoes (I buy the same kind over and over, just in bigger sizes -- makes shopping easy!). AND, some little black velvety dress shoes with fake diamond buckles on them. She went NUTS when she saw them. Yeah, Buy One Get the Second Half Off, Baby!! No shoes there for me, though. I tend to shy away from 4" heels, which is apparently all the shoe stores are stocking this year. The search continues.

And since I was at the mall, and my credit card was already warmed up, I went ahead and purchased two $25 gift cards at Bath and Body Works for B's two primary daycare teachers, and three $10 gift cards from Starbucks for the other gals who take care of her from time to time.

Speaking of gift cards, I got one for $50 from Victoria's Secret for my niece, T. I usually give her the standard $50 Gap card. She'll be surprised this year!

And since I already got P's gift from Ebay, and have a few gifts for B already purchased and stashed away too, my Christmas shopping list had a serious dent put in it yesterday. Go me!

After shopping, I picked up B from daycare and headed home. P was already there, so he was able to distract B and keep her occupied just enough for me to make two pumpkin pies.

A productive day, non?

So. Today. I'm up early-ish, so is B. I'll probably start assembling things around 11'ish, planning for a 2'ish dinner or so. That will be just right for dinner again around 8'ish (mmmm leftovers) and a DVD.

Normally, our house is where our friends gather for Thanksgiving. We usually have a few other couples over, which is fun, but stressful. I always feel like everything has to be just perfect. The timing has to be just right, the food has to be perfect, there has to be three different kinds of pies, plenty of snacks, lots of different beverages, etc. And everyone has to be entertained and have a comfortable place to land after dinner. In years past, we've done this, and the bulk of the work and stress falls squarely on my shoulders.

This year we didn't invite anyone to our house for Thanksgiving. Our friends dropped hints that they'd like to come over, as they had made no other plans, but we told them we were "simplifying" this year and planned to have a quiet relaxing day, just the three of us. Pigging out on Thanksgiving dinner consisting of just the foods WE like, with no real set schedule.

And I have to say, today I feel really really good! My time in the kitchen won't be daunting, and I think I'll have a good opportunity to spend a lot of time working with B on her potty training. That's something I absolutely have to devote myself to doing, and the next four days will be a good time to do it.

Tomorrow I'll drag out the Christmas lights, go through everything, decide I need/want NEW lights, and head out to the home store to buy them. See, I know myself so well, don't I? Then I'll coerce P into helping me hang them up outside, and by tomorrow evening, WhataCastle will be transformed into a Christmas wonderland.

I'm very excited!

I hope everyone who reads this has a very Happy and Relaxing Thanksgiving, too! Remember, if you're not the cook in your family, give whoever IS the cook a break and DO THE DISHES!! He/she will appreciate it!

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