


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
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My day: a study in time management
Wednesday, Apr. 03, 2002, 8:01 pm

My days are soooo long. Working part-time can't come soon enough. Though, if it works out, it probably won't happen until at least June. Maybe July. I hope I can survive that long.

Here's my typical day:

Alarm goes off at 4:21 a.m. Nine minutes later, at 4:30 a.m. it goes off again. Nine minutes later, at 4:39 a.m. it goes off a third time. By this time, P is elbowing me, so I get up. Make tea for me, coffee for P, chocolate milk for B. Put my lunch together. Unload the dishwasher. Etc.

Climb the stairs at 5:20, brush teeth, take shower. Do visual inspection in mirror. Decide there's no time to apply make-up. Use hair dryer to get big drops of water out of hair, leave hair damp to dry on way to work. (This is when I'm thankful for long curly hair).

5:50 get B up. Wrestle her out of PJ's, into clothes and shoes. Try to do something with her hair. Give up, and stick plastic butterfly barrettes in it. Feel sorry for her.

Grab coat, chocolate milk, flip switch on coffee maker for P, wrestle B into her coat, grab purse and lunch. Out the door at 6:10. Drop B off at daycare, make it to work at exactly 7:00 a.m., unless I stop at Starbucks, in which case, I make it to work at 7:10 a.m. ssshhhhh!

Work all day, leave at 3:30 (taking half hour for lunch). Pick B up from daycare. Stop at grocery store, if necessary. Curse self for attempting to shop with 2 year old. Vow to never take 2 year old shopping again.

Get home, change clothes, start dinner. Give in to 2 year old's pleading and turn on Teletubbies. Finish dinner, while holding 2 year old in left arm, just in time for P to walk in the door. Try to eat dinner. With 2 year sitting on lap. Give up on trying to eat dinner, since 2 year old has turned it into an art project. Clean up 2 year old.

Half hour of reading books, romping, and interaction with hubby and child. This is the best part of the day.

Trek up the stairs to dunk child in the bath. Do that, brush her teeth, put her in PJ's. Take turns with P rocking her into relaxation. Put her in bed.

Go downstairs, check email and diaryland, maybe post an entry, maybe not, then go upstairs to select attire for the next day. Get everything ready and hanging in the bathroom (to save time in the morning). Go downstairs one more time to 1. grope husband, 2. turn on dishwasher, 3. pick up toys, 4. say goodnight. Climb stairs again and plop into bed. Try to watch TV but fall asleep before I can figure out what's on. Unless it's Thursday night, in which case I make myself stay awake to watch Survivor.

See? I'm seriously lacking personal time. Come June or July, I'm counting on 3 hours a day to myself! THREE hours! That's unbelievable to me.

And it seems so far away right now.

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