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A mild rant.
Tuesday, Jan. 08, 2002, 11:24 am

Today is Rant day.

I doubt anyone disagrees that this country we live in isn't perfect. Not by a long shot.

There are a lot of faults to be pointed out. A lot of watchdogging to be done. Is our government corrupt? Probably. Any more so than any other country on earth? Definitely not. Doesn't make it okay - I'm just saying.

But my rant today isn't about America. I love America. I am proud to live here, warts and all.

No, my rant today is about people who do nothing but complain. About the government, about the media, about foreign policy, about EVERYTHING. These people are so smart, they know so much more about how the country ought to be ran than our elected officials, that all they do is sit around, read websites defaming our leaders and policies, and formulate negative opinions they think everyone else wants to hear. That's right. Instead of DOING something, they sit around bitching and expressing their negativity.

Frankly, I'm tired of it.

From this day forward, I hereby declare that I will not read the journals of, the newsgroup postings of, the emails from, or any other form of communication of or from said individuals.

Come on, people. Life is too short to sit around in your underwear bitching about how corrupt America is and what the President *should* be doing, and how stupid he is for this and blah blah blah blah blah.

For once I'd like to hear what these people actually LIKE about this country. Really, I would. I have absolutely no idea why they stay here. All I ever hear from them is discontent, criticism, skepticism, mistrust, and just plain moaning and groaning. Suspicion. Always suspicion.

I know all of the above is necessary to keep government honest. Without people to question the workings of government, where would we be? I KNOW THAT. That's not what I'm talking about.

I am talking about YOU, who never has a positive thing to say about anything related to our government, our policies, our democracy. YOU, the person. The epitome of negativity that's sucking the life out of my soul.

Just shut the fuck up already.

That's all I'm saying.

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