


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
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Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
Sunday, Dec. 09, 2001, 7:29 am

Yesterday went very well. The babysitter had no troubles at all, and B was an angel while she was here. P and I had a great time shopping and dining, and picking out our Christmas tree, which a friend picked up for us later in the evening. He has a truck, which we needed, since we bought a 12' tree.

12' tree. Yes, we are crazy.

It's a beautiful tree, though. Tall and full. And now the whole house smells like a pine forest. We hauled it inside last night (it took 3 adults -- could have used a 4th actually). We set it in the jumbo sized tree stand we have, and admired it. Very nice.

If only I weren't such a perfectionist. Really. Then this morning it wouldn't have fallen over.

It was in the stand, very securely, but I thought it was tipping to one side slightly. That drives me nuts, so I fooled around with the adjustment bars underneath, trying to straighten the thing out. P, of course, was upstairs still asleep.

The trunk on this tree is a good 8 inches in diameter. Big and heavy. I fumbled around with it a little, it started to move, so I tightened it back up. If I'd left it THERE, it would still be all right. But no, now it's tipping too far the other way, so I mess with the other adjustment bar. That was my mistake. No, let me retract that. My mistake was in not waiting for P to wake up so he could help me. I must think I'm Wonderwoman with superhuman strength or something. I don't know. All I know is when the tree started to fall, I couldn't hold it up.

Luckily, it fell into a corner, which means it isn't sprawled all across the living room. Neither me or B got trapped underneath it. But it very obviously needs to be re-stationed in the base, which is going to take all the braun P and I can muster together.

I know when P comes down the stairs he's going to be disgusted with me. I'm a little disgusted with myself right now.

If we'd gotten an 8 foot tree like normal people, I'm fairly certain I could have handled it by myself. What made me think I could manage a tree this size? Sometimes I think I overestimate my abilities.

Well, there's nothing to do now but to wait for P to wake up. No way am I going to wake him up early today. Uh uh. He gets to sleep in as long as he wants. And I'll have coffee and breakfast waiting for him. To soften the blow. And to give him strength and energy this morning, because he's gonna need it. I, on the other hand, need some Tylenol now, as I've given myself a headache fretting about this tree.

But it is a beautiful tree. As soon as we get it standing again and decorated, I'll snap a photo for your viewing pleasure.

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