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Soup, Thanksgiving, and Digital Cable
Friday, Nov. 02, 2001, 7:07 am

It's so rainy and gloomy here in Seattle today. It's dark when I drive in to work, and it's very nearly dark by the time I get home. But our house is so warm and cheery when I light the fireplace and turn on all the lights that I actually don't mind what's going on outside.

This morning I did something totally out of character for me. I planned ahead with regard to dinner tonight. I put some pinto beans, a chopped onion, and chunks of smoked ham in the crock pot before I left for work. It's the easiest soup I know, and possibly the yummiest. By dinner time tonight, it's going to be soooooo done and sooooo good. I can hardly wait.

Someone reminded me this morning that Thanksgiving is only 3 weeks away. It falls early this year. 3 weeks! I haven't ordered a fresh turkey yet. Gotta get on that this weekend.

The strangest thing happened yesterday. Quite unbelievable, actually. I had made an appointment to have our digital cable box repaired (or replaced) for yesterday afternoon, but forgot about it completely. I picked B up from daycare, then went grocery shopping, strolling leisurely down the aisles. When I pulled into our driveway, I saw someone walking toward me, and realized I had forgotten about the appointment. I felt really bad. I was 45 minutes late. And he waited for me! This is the cable company that gives you a 6 hour window, right? You practically have to take the whole day off if you want to get your cable installed or repaired. But this time they said he'd be there between 4:00 and 6:00, and he WAS. Not only that, but he got there at 4:00, found that I wasn't home, and WAITED. I am in shock.

So our digital cable box was dead, and he gave us a new one. Hooked it up, programmed all the channels, and that was it. 5 minute job.

Not like when our DSL line went out a few weeks ago and the repairman had to search every nook and cranny in my house to find the main phone box, which happened to be inconveniently located behind the door in B's bedroom upstairs. That guy was at our house for almost 2 hours, but did finally fix the problem.

Had enough of my blathering this morning? hehe. Gotta run, anyway. It's Friday and that means it's Donut Day. But you have to be quick around here. You wait too long and they're allllllll gone. Bye now!

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