


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
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A speech about the flu and the Speech
Friday, Sept. 21, 2001, 7:24 am

I've been absent for several days, I know. I've had the stomach flu. Blech. Tuesday afternoon through last evening. Finally, finally this morning I felt all right enough to come to work. Actually, I came into work yesterday morning, but since my entire body broke out in HIVES and I had to go to the doctor, who sent me home to bed pronto, I can't really count yesterday.

Yes, hives, my friends. As if the stomach flu wasn't bad enough.

Doctor Mike said the hives were probably an allergic reaction I was having to the infection that was causing the stomach flu. Did you follow that? I am allergic to whatever was making me sick.

So I was sent home to convalesce, take Benadryl, and another drug to take care of the symptoms of the stomach flu, which I didn't take.

The hives were gone this morning, and I'm feeling so much better today I almost skipped into the office. Not really. But I did wake up kind of cheery.

I watched the President's speech last night, and I thought it might have been the best speech I've ever heard in my life. Not once did I get the impression he was reading something someone else had written. I felt he truly meant and believed every single word he said. And I felt he said what every American wanted and needed to hear. He pulled no punches. He covered every issue. He addressed all concerns clearly and decisively. He made me kind of proud.

It remains to be seen how well he follows through on what he says. I've got my hopes pinned on him.

I didn't vote for George W. Bush, but despite his slow start, and mis-speaks and laughable statements that have ended up as quotables pinned to bulletin boards around offices everywhere, I must say this. When the pressure is on

George W. Bush gives good speech.

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