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The woman I've been waiting for - Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
Get Lost - Monday, May. 23, 2005
So much to catch up on! - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
Returning home? - Saturday, May. 21, 2005

Random Thoughts
2001-06-08, 7:05 a.m.

I don't have anything specific to write about today, so I'm just going to spew forth some random thoughts and observations. I make no apologies for my opinions. If you don't agree with me, good for you. But allow me my forum.

I'm not big on the death penalty, but I'm glad Timothy McVeigh is going to die on Monday. I still recall the sick feeling I had when I first heard about the bombing. Now that I have my own child, I am of the opinion that painless, easy death is too good for McVeigh. He should be burned and crushed to death slowly and painfully.

Wow, are those Mariners hot, or what? I almost can't stand not being able to watch them on TV. I could watch if I wanted, but my experience has been that if I watch, they will lose. I don't want to be responsible for ruining their winning streak.

I made a comment to P last night that had him giving me the hi-five. I simply said that one of my pet peeves is people who quote the bible instead of thinking for themselves. Now, I don't mean to be inflammatory by saying this, though I know it sounds that way. P understood what I meant, and happy to hear me express what he's been feeling since he renounced catholicism 7 years ago. What I mean is, when you ask someone a question, maybe a question about how they feel about a certain subject, and they say, "well, the bible says..." it makes me want to slap them. I didn't ask what the bible says. I don't care what the bible says. I'm interested in what that person *thinks* and quoting the bible just proves to me that they don't. They're being a parrot, just repeating back what they've heard. It annoys me to no end.

I find religion troubling all around. I am very spiritual, if I may say so. I believe in God, and a lot of other things I won't go into right now. My mother's death brought to the foreground a lot of my "fuzzy" beliefs. Events that occurred prior to and after her death, and things that happen even today remind me that there's more out there... We don't know anything, really. We have gut feelings, but when somebody says they know the truth, that's when I switch them off. They have absolutely NO credibility with me. The person who says, "I don't know, but here's what I'm thinking..." is the person I want to talk to. Because that's how I feel. I have semi-beliefs that are vague and without a lot of form, based on gut feelings, hunches, experiences, and intuition, that I want to explore. I think that's how we grow spiritually. By asking questions, listening to our inner voices (which may be God speaking to us, I don't know), and then letting those feelings and understandings develop and grow. A lot of people claim to know the "truth." I don't think they do. Okay, enough about that.

Let's see. What else. Oh! I managed to get out of jury duty the first week in July so I can go on my vacation. But I'm on duty for the rest of the month. Doesn't sound like it's going to be very exciting. It's just municipal court, after all. How intriguing could that be?

I still haven't done anything about The Letter I received from my real father's ex-wife. I think about it from time to time, but I can't get motivated to write back to her. I just don't have anything to say right now. And it's not like they haven't ignored my existence for the past 37 years. They can wait.

Getting my hair done tomorrow, that's very exciting. Maybe going on a picnic if it doesn't rain. Going to Babies-R-Us to buy baby shower gifts and doo-dads. Might go summer clothes shopping for myself. That's pretty much it for this weekend.

Happy Friday!

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