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It's Party Season
Saturday, Apr. 24, 2004, 5:58 am

Today is birthday party #4. B's party was in March. In April there have been two already, and today is the third one. Next Sunday there's another one, and the Sunday after that ANOTHER one. Four year olds are waaaaaay into birthday parties. And they're really cool parties, too. The first one in April was on the Tumblebus, today's is at the Children's Museum, next week's is at the Gymboree, and the one after that is at the zoo! Such neat places to have parties, of course we have to let B go! But I admit, I'll be glad when birthday party season is over.

Each time we go to the Toy Store, B is very patient while we select her friends' gifts. Unfortunately, she hasn't quite grasped the concept that we aren't there to buy HER toys. A scene often ensues, with much dismay and disappointment for her. I give in and let her choose one little toy for herself. According to other parents I've talked to, this is standard procedure. This is how the two kids next door came to acquire a certain DVD. They went a'shopping for B's birthday present, and, natch, came home with something for themselves too. Okay, so I get the process.

The first couple of parties, I didn't mind so much that I ended up buying a little something for B each time we went birthday present shopping. However, when the invitations for future parties started rolling in and I was faced with shopping for three more children (for the next three parties), I got wise. I bought ALL the presents in one shopping trip, and B got one little something for herself, instead of three separate little somethings. A plus for me is fewer trips to the Toy Store.

I don't mind these birthday parties. B has a great time at them, and, I have to keep in mind, TWELVE children came to her party, all bearing gifts.

'Tis the season. Fellow parents tell me, and I'm totally on board with it, that FOUR is party year. They won't be having parties like this again until they're at least 10. Thank goodness. I'd have to go back to work full-time just to afford all the gifts.

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