


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
The woman I've been waiting for - Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
Get Lost - Monday, May. 23, 2005
So much to catch up on! - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
Returning home? - Saturday, May. 21, 2005

Post-Christmas waistline woes
Friday, Dec. 26, 2003, 6:39 pm

It�ll be a miracle if I can zip my favorite jeans. I am cookied-out, candied-out, and hammed-out. If I don�t see another cup of eggnog until next Christmas, I�ll be glad.

The Ghost of Gluttony-present has visited my house.

Christmas Day was mellow here. After opening presents in the morning, we three spent the remainder of the day lounging about, watching movies, and, of course, eating. I warmed a small spiral-cut ham in the oven for a couple of hours. Small, if you consider 9 pounds of meat to be small. After two days of picking at it, I�m about done. It was delicious, though. There is just too much of it. I guess I�ll cut it up into chunks and freeze the leftovers for use in soup later on.

Gift-wise, I got the Pirates of the Carribean DVD. It was the only thing I specifically requested, so I�m very glad for P that I got it. He also gave me a couple of CD�s, that I�m loving, and some other little things. I gave P a gift card from Powell�s, a new booklight, a shirt, and some other doo-dads. He had a hard time not spending all of the giftcard in 5 minutes. B got everything she asked Santa for, and then some. Her favorite thing seems to be the $7 plastic miniature shopping cart with pretend food in it. Go figure. $80 for the Leapster, and she loves the shopping cart best of all. Sort of like the Jeep and the little yellow umbrella from last year. K got a little sewing machine, and some sewing supplies. A little start-up kit, of sorts. She also got a couple of CD�s and other little things. She left here very happy.

This morning I had to go to work, while P and B were still snoozing. I hate that. They�re all cuddly and warm and sleepy, and I have to go out into the cold, harsh world of commerce. But, like on Christmas Eve, the traffic was light and the commute was a breeze. I wish every day were like that.

Tomorrow looks to be a lazy day. I may, or may not, do some laundry. I may, or may not, get dressed. It feels good to stay home and pad around the house wearing only pajamas and socks. I do know what I will NOT be doing. I will not be baking anything. And I will not be venturing out to any stores or malls to shop for anything. Not sure what we WILL be doing, but I�m hoping there is afternoon napping involved.

Nothing else to report here. Still waiting on the baby call. Five days til due date. My niece was having some contractions a few days ago, which sent us all into a panic, but they seem to have subsided. I need her to wait until at least Tuesday night. My boss will have a heart attack if I have to leave town before that. Not that I care about that, but it would be better for me if she could hold on til then. However, I realize that babies come on their own schedule, and none of us has any control over it, so all I can do is secretly hope for a December 31st (or later) arrival.

P is dreading the call. For him it means he�s on 24-hour B duty all by himself. Single parenthood doesn�t excite him much. Though she�s a much better behaved child with him than she is with me. Why is that? It�s not fair.

I�m getting tired sitting here. I think I need to sprawl on the couch. All those trips to the refrigerator today have taken it out of me. Must rest.

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