


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
The woman I've been waiting for - Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
Get Lost - Monday, May. 23, 2005
So much to catch up on! - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
Returning home? - Saturday, May. 21, 2005

Wacky Wednesday
Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003, 6:51 pm

The past three mornings it has been around 25 degrees outside. This morning, for a while, it was 24 degrees.

That's too damn cold. Wasn't it just summer? I swear, we were just complaining about how endlessly hot it has been, and now it's frigid. I guess we don't get a Fall this year. Scorching summer, proceeding directly to freezing winter.

My skin is feeling the change. The cold, dry air is making my hands hurt. They are so dry they are sore when I move them. I need some serious hand cream. Not regular hand cream. I need some SERIOUS about dry skin hand cream. Any suggestions?

And this cold. Why won't it go away? I'm sick and tired of it. Oh, and today? I think I had a silent migraine. I've had one other before, I think, when I was planning my escape from my miserable first marriage at the tender age of 25. So today, I'm sitting at my desk at work, and my right eye starts feeling kind of funny, like there's pressure behind it or something. Then, I notice that whatever I'm looking at, I can't see the right edge of it. Like words or numbers. I can't see the right edge. There's a blind spot! Then I start noticing that my right peripheral vision is all wavy and swirly, and won't stop moving. Just the right side. It was really freaking me out! This went on for about 15 minutes. I experienced a dizzy spell in the ladies' room that worried me a little, but it went away quickly. Then the waviness and swirls...and the blind spot. For a minute I figured I must be having a stroke, then I remembered the one other silent migraine I had way back when, and so I closed my eyes and forced myself to relax for a moment, to see if it would go away. And within a few minutes, it did. But I've felt weird all day since. I wonder what kind of bottled up stress I am carrying around inside to make this happen to me?

Directly after work, I had to run up to Capitol Hill to pay our homeowners' insurance premium. It was late, and P was worried we'd have a fire and not have any insurance. So I offered to drive it there myself, since I was the one who forgot to put it in the mail. I felt weird about driving. Like maybe I shouldn't be. Like what if I blanked out or something, or had another "spell" and crashed my car into some innocent person? I know, that's crazy talk, but this is the kind of frame of mind I was in today.

Well, I didn't crash my car, or black out. Made it home just fine, after stopping at Lowe's in part to buy some more paint rollers, but MOSTLY because I had to pee so bad I knew I wouldn't make it home, so I HAD to stop somewhere. Kill two birds, that sort of thing. Another thing about today. I've had to pee so bad all day it isn't even funny. Like I'm thinking I need to limit my intake of fluids tomorrow to avoid a repeat. Reminds me of when I was pregnant... uh. What day is it? Nah, couldn't be.

Okay, enough rambling. I've got to find something for my hands.

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