


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
The woman I've been waiting for - Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
Get Lost - Monday, May. 23, 2005
So much to catch up on! - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
Returning home? - Saturday, May. 21, 2005

Off to a great start, but just you wait...
Friday, Jul. 25, 2003, 2:15 pm

My feet got the �spa treatment� today. I used the gift card my friend D gave me for my birthday, and had the most awesome pedicure. My footsies are quite happy right now. And my office only called me on my cell phone once while I was having it done (I didn�t answer it � heh heh).

That was after I did four loads of laundry this morning. Because our clothing multiplies like rabbits once it hits the laundry basket. Don�t have a scientific explanation for this phenomenon, but it happens. Yesterday there were only a few things in the basket. This morning there were four loads. It�s a mystery.

After my pedicure, P and I went to the credit union to refinance our auto loan. Interest rates are so much lower than they were a year ago. So we shortened our loan by three years, cut our interest by 2 points, and have about the same monthly payment. Go us.

We went to lunch after that (because financial matters make us hungry, apparently) at a quaint little Indian restaurant. It was super good. All vegetarian, but you never miss the meat. I like those buffets, don�t you?

Now I�m just passing the time until my physical therapy appointment at 3:15. I�m thinking about telling them I�m done. Not that I�m cured, but that I don�t think continuing my therapy will help me any more than it already has. I know what�s wrong, I know what to do to make it feel better. What�s the point? And frankly, I hate having my summer afternoons interrupted by appointments all the time. I�m tired of it. Yes, I am a quitter.

We have K again this weekend. That�s like 4 in a row or something. I love her � yes, I do � but she�s a pain when she�s here. And it�s more than just the attitude and snarky pre-teen stuff. She�s not quite a household member, you know? So it�s like she�s a guest when she�s here. Which is wrong, I know. She isn�t a guest. She shouldn�t be treated like one and she shouldn�t act like one. But she is and she does, to some extent. And it�s tiring for me. Not for P, because he�s a guy. No extra effort required. Kid shows up, joyful family interraction ensues, lots of love and playing and so forth, and wife is there to prepare all the meals, clean up the messes, and shop for more food, which there never seems to be any of in our house for some reason. And laundry. Even more, if that�s possible. See why it�s tiring for me? With just us (P, me and B) we are just more laid back. I don�t know why. Maybe because there isn�t a 10 year old hovering all the time whining about how bored she is, and asking �Now what can I do?� whenever she isn�t being constantly entertained. I guess I�ve just had one weekend in a row too many. I�m happy with the every other weekend schedule. There, I said it.

And, on top of it all, P just informed me that he might be spending all day tomorrow at his buddy�s house helping him plumb his kitchen. I�m all like (hey, I�m a teenager suddenly!) but what about K? I�m supposed to entertain both kids all by myself while you do home improvement projects at somebody else�s house? Dood! I�ve got a project for ya right here (I say as I make that �up yours� arm gesture the Italians have made famous). Ah��just kidding, I guess.

But seriously, that irks me a little. Wouldn�t it irk you? I mean, she�s his daughter, and no matter how much affection I may feel for her, based on my current mood, I think I might prefer the weekend off. Just a thought.

PLUS, we have to pick her up and take her home, so he expects me to do either one or the other. Not her mother, mind you, ME. This is an hour and 30 minute proposition, in traffic. How fair is that? Grumble grumble grumble. Don�t even ask why her mother isn�t expected to make half of the effort here. I�ve been asking that question for years.

Okay, that�s all.

P.S. Everyone should go see Pirates of the Carribbean. I have not been so entertained in a long time. Johnny Depp is brilliant. Just brilliant. The whole movie is brilliant. Two Thumbs UP!!



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