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750 reasons why I can't do what I want when I want
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003, 7:29 am

I need $750. Seven hundred and fifty dollars that isn't earmarked for bills, savings, college funds, or car repairs. Free and clear money, just sitting in a big ol' pile somewhere, waiting for me.

That's how much I figure it's gonna cost for me to makeover my master bathroom.

Ever since I finished the kids' bathroom, I've been hellbent on finding a way to do the master bath too. It's about double the size, double the cost. Never mind that I don't have time to do it -- I'll make the time! -- I don't have the discretionary funds at the moment.

We try pretty hard to limit our credit expenditures. Re-doing my bathroom doesn't fall into the category of "urgent" or "must" or "want so bad I'm willing to pay interest on it." Not like ripping out all the carpet on the main level of the house and having professionals install hardwood throughout. Now that is something I'm just about ready to put on my Mastercard. But not the bathroom. I promised P I'd do it in such a way that we wouldn't feel a financial pinch because of it. Trouble is, I can't figure out a way to do that. And, of course, I'm of the "I can't wait - I want it now" mindset. That attitude, plus lack of funds, doesn't equal good household cash management.

If I went back to work full time, things would be a lot easier financially. That thought never escapes me. But then, I'd be back to being an over-tired, over-emotional basket case without any time for anything other than the bare minimum to keep the house functioning. That's not a good trade, in my opinion. I think my whole family benefits from my part-time schedule -- especially me. I'm really not willing to give that up. And I don't think P would want me to.

So, how do I pinch $750 out of our budget unnoticed? This is gonna require some creative thinking.

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