


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
The woman I've been waiting for - Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
Get Lost - Monday, May. 23, 2005
So much to catch up on! - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
Returning home? - Saturday, May. 21, 2005

Pre-Christmas 2002
Sunday, Dec. 22, 2002, 6:21 am

Finally, a few minutes to myself to catch my breath and update.

The past week has been a blur. But, I am happy to report, as of yesterday, I have not one thing I absolutely must do before Christmas. All the shopping is done, and that includes grocery shopping through New Year's. Go me.

My company's holiday party was this past Thursday evening. It was held here, and though it was fabulous, with a great show and a nice five course dinner with free drinks, it was about an hour too long. The show started at around 6:30 pm, and lasted until well after 10:00 pm. The courses were all at least 30 minutes apart, which is too long, IMO. But it was good, and I looked fabulous. Unfortunately, I have no pictures to memorialize my incredible glamour that night, because I was alone when I got dressed and ready to go, and P was in bed asleep when I got home. I suppose I could have knocked on a neighbor's door, but, you know�how weird. So no pics. Actually, a few people had cameras and took a snapshot or two, but I don't know if I'll actually get ahold of one of those. If I do, maybe I'll scan it.

Here's some great news. K hasn't had a seizure in almost 6 weeks. For a while there, they were happening 2 or more times a week. I was scared to death every moment she was here with us, and I found it very hard to relax and enjoy her visits. And, of course, I got absolutely no sleep because I was watching her in the monitor all night. But her medication was increased, and though it makes her a little tired, she has adjusted well to it, and her seizures seem to be under control.

Her doctor told us that most kids (something like 98%) with this disorder outgrow it when they go through puberty and the seizures just stop altogether. Well, guess who is getting boobie-buds and little hair growths in delicate places? Not to mention oily hair and skin, and tiny little acne bumps on her nose? I never thought I'd look forward to K going through puberty, but if it means her seizures will stop and she won't have to take the medication anymore, then bring on the puberty. She seems a little young to be going through it (she's almost 10), but kids are doing everything earlier these days, aren't they? I've never been able to figure out exactly when puberty is over, though. Anyone know?

I need to find a good pediatric dentist for B. She's almost 3 and I think it's time for her first visit. Our "family" dentist doesn't see kids until they are 4, but I don't want to wait that long. Although B's teeth are very white, and she has no cavities at all, I still want her to see a dentist because she has a pretty prominent overbite. Okay, she has buck teeth, all right? I'm fairly certain it's because she's an avid thumbsucker. Actually, she could hold her own in Olympic Thumbsucking if it were an actual event. We need to work on weaning her off of her thumb, but are unsure how to go about it. Most folks who have offered us advice say to just wait, and that she'll stop on her own before her permanent teeth come in. I hope so.

Per our family tradition, we are having King Crab legs for dinner on Christmas Eve. Spiral ham for Christmas dinner. And so many cookies and candies that we'll all need to join Jenny Craig after New Year's. P is going to the bookstore today to find a nice elegant book that contains "The Night Before Christmas" for our Christmas Eve reading. Last year we printed it off the internet, but we decided we want a permanent copy to keep with our Christmas stuff. K bought a bag of magic reindeer food at a local craft fair, so we'll be sprinkling it on the lawn Christmas Eve to guide Rudolf to our house. It looks like oatmeal mixed with glitter to me, but it's supposed to be magic, so we'll see.

Don't know if I'll get around to updating again before Christmas, so I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone reading this a very merry one! If nothing else, enjoy the day off from work!

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