


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
The woman I've been waiting for - Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
Get Lost - Monday, May. 23, 2005
So much to catch up on! - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
Returning home? - Saturday, May. 21, 2005

Yes! Some good news for a change!
Thursday, Aug. 29, 2002, 5:58 pm

The neurologist said the results of K's EEG tests were very revealing. Apparently, 50-70% of all children between the ages of 7 and 9 have a particular brain pattern. Of those children, a small percentage of them will experience one or more seizures, but they are not dangerous, and most of those children outgrow them. So K is fine! The doctor even recommended against medication - said she didn't need it.

We are all very relieved. She was okay'd for camping, swimming, water skiing. All outdoor activities. We just have to watch her when she's swimming, just in case. She may never have another seizure. But we still have to watch her in case she does.

We needed some good news.


I have laid down the law with my daughter. P says I'm too easy on her. That I let her push me around, which encourages her "naughty" behavior with me. I think he's right. She very willfully defied me when we got home today. She laid right in the middle of the stairs as I was trying to carry a basket full of laundry up. I asked her to move. I told her to move. I counted to three. She wouldn't budge. I threatened to take away her beloved Jungle Book movie if she didn't move out of the way. No dice. So I put the basket down, picked her up, and stood her in the corner for a time-out. You'd have thought I was beating her, the way she wailed. I took the laundry upstairs, and after a few minutes, called down to her that time out was over and she was to come upstairs immediately. She did. And she was very obedient and loving after that.

The hard part for me is hearing her cry. Oh, and being consistent and not giving in when she's naughty. I just don't want all of my time spent with her engaged in battle. And I also don't want our time together to be spent with me constantly on her about something. She really tests me. I am hoping that in time (a short time, with any luck at all) she will know she can't push me, and we won't be locking horns all the time. Am I hoping for too much? She's 2.5 years old. Please be just a phase. Please.


Hooray for long weekends, that's all I can say. I've got four days off in a row, and looking forward to every one of them. Tomorrow I've got nothing planned. Toyed briefly with the idea of keeping B home with me all day, then opted to just pick her up early in the afternoon, thus giving me the morning hours all to myself. I justify this by telling myself my sanity is as important as anything else around here. It is, isn't it?


I've got the craft bug really bad. Usually, this happens in the fall and winter months, when the weather has cooled down and there isn't much to do outside. But it's hit me early this year. To appease my urges, I am making a mental list of all the things I'd like to do. I'm watching crafty-type shows, and paying attention. Unfortunately, I find most of the stuff they do on those shows to be�how do I say this�ugly. I'm not the world's best decorator, by a long shot. But I tell ya. Most of the stuff I see on those shows I wouldn't have in my house. And it's not just that it's not my "style" or whatever. It's crap. Pure and simple. That show - Trading Spaces - you know that one? I'd saw my leg off before I let any of those fools into my house. Like anyone wants tables and chairs made of plywood. Or orange walls covered in fabric. Please. Only on television. Throw some gaudy paint on the wall, sew a couple of ugly pillows, add a plywood coffee table painted in some weird way, and call it d�cor. Yeah.


I am cooking a proper dinner tonight. Marinated flank steak, steamed broccoli, and jasmine rice. We ate at Jack-in-the-Box last night, and I have been craving real food ever since. But JITB was on the way to the beach (Yay! We went!), so there you go. Sometimes you have to do what's easy.


The machinists at Boeing are voting tonight. I'd be willing to bet my daughter's college fund there will be a strike. Boeing executives are in the same class as those Enron guys, in my opinion. They've screwed their workers so many times, in so many ways. This latest round is just more of the same. They're not even willing to talk to the union anymore. They've just given the big middle finger to their employees, and the contract vote is tonight. Not hard to guess what's gonna happen.

The engineers' contract expires in December. Two and a half years ago, when I was 9 months pregnant with B, I stood with P out on the picket line at 5 a.m. on Valentine's Day. They were on strike for something like 6 weeks. And I was on maternity leave. Can you say No Income? I'm hoping like crazy the engineers don't strike this time. Boeing doesn't care if they do or not, that's obvious.


Gotta go work my culinary magic now. It's nice to be mostly back to normal. The past two weeks have been kind of lousy.

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