


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
The woman I've been waiting for - Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
Get Lost - Monday, May. 23, 2005
So much to catch up on! - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
Returning home? - Saturday, May. 21, 2005

Gas, not cash
Saturday, Jun. 01, 2002, 5:48 am

UPDATE!! I have a guestbook that works now!


Next Friday is my niece's graduation. Let me tell you, there were times we worried she'd never make it this far. Her early years of highschool were spent doing anything but school work. Her grades were attrocious, and we feared she didn't grasp the seriousness of her situation. This lasted for two years. Then, suddenly and miraculously, she turned it around. Her junior and senior years were spent working on her grades, making sure she has enough credits to graduate, and even making plans for college!

I am very proud of her all the more because I suspect she inherited a "lazy" gene from my brother. Because sometimes I think she might be lazy, and he is, indeed, lazy. And maybe these things are inherited. Which makes me mad. She has the ability to overcome it, which she has so far. I hope and pray she keeps it up.

So we're all jumping in the car next Friday afternoon and making the 4 hour drive south to attend the much awaited and anticipated event. I told P that when she graduates from college, I'm throwing a huge extravagant party and everyone in the universe will be invited.

So we've been faced with the decision of what to get her as a graduation present. I told her several months ago that if she and her friends wanted to take a trip, to Cancun, or Mazatlan, or something like that, we'd buy her plane ticket or donate some cash for the trip. So she thought that was a great idea, and that was the last I heard of it. No plans were ever made, and as far as I know, she's not planning on taking any trips at all this summer. So now we're left wondering what to do instead. My dad and my younger brother (not her father) both told me to just give her cash. But I do not want to give her cash, because I know she will just blow it on hair extensions or fake fingernails, or her bum boyfriend. I want to give her something more useful, that she'll appreciate longer than for just one weekend.

After a little brainstorming, I think I've hit upon the perfect thing.

I am going to buy her a $200 pre-paid gas card. She will be able to put gas in her car when she needs it, not have to worry about scrounging and/or begging for gas money for a while, and she won't be able to blow it on anything else. When I was a teenager, a $200 pre-paid gas card would have been a godsend to me. I hope she feels the same way.

P thinks it's a terrific idea. Maybe it's a little controlling, but I don't care. That kid can blow through cash like you've never seen before, but it will be hard for her to blow through gasoline at the same rate. Especially since she's not allowed to really drive anywhere but around town. I suppose she could decide to let her friends use it, but hey, there's only so much I can control, right?

I think it's the way to go. I hope she likes it.

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