


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
The woman I've been waiting for - Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
Get Lost - Monday, May. 23, 2005
So much to catch up on! - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
Returning home? - Saturday, May. 21, 2005

Description of yesterday
Tuesday, Dec. 04, 2001, 7:13 am

As I suspected, the weekend's bickering was all but forgotten last night. That was a relief.

All in all, yesterday was a mixed bag of events. Some good, some not so good.

Starting things off, I had a great day at work. I got so much done and kept on task pretty much the whole day. I left work feeling good.

Got home after picking up B, and decided to make just a simple dinner, so that meant we had an hour or so free before P would get home. Great! Time enough to read the new magazine that just arrived in the mail. And so B and I sat together on the couch to read. She with her Dr. Suess book, and me with my magazine. Ten minutes later, P walked throught he door. He worked in Renton yesterday afternoon (I didn't know) and didn't have the commute, so he got home early. Hooray! I love it when he's home early.

It went kind of downhill from there.

First thing that happened was that B dragged a chair up to the counter in the kitchen, climbed up on it, and helped herself to her Dad's HUGE glass of Coca Cola. He and I had just stepped outside to turn the Christmas lights on (3 floors worth). When we came back in, she had managed to get the glass of soda off the counter, climb back down the chair, drag the chair back across the kitchen, and carry the glass all the way into the living room before spilling the entire thing all over the couch and carpet. All in the space of about 3 minutes.

Our couch is light beige in color. Our carpet is even lighter.

The thing is, there was nothing to get mad about. P and I just looked at each other and then set about cleaning up the mess. I got out the steam cleaner, he stripped her out of her wet clothes and kept her occupied while I steam cleaned the carpet and couch. Oh, and of course it's a sofa bed, so the mattress and all of its innerworkings got soaked a little as well. So we took the whole thing apart, cleaned the cushions, opened up the mattress to let it dry, etc.

Then I fixed dinner. When it was ready I asked P to put B in her highchair, which he did, but I noticed she was naked. I said, where's her diaper? He said she enjoyed being naked so much, let's let her eat dinner naked. Hmmm. Okay.

So dinner's over, we're cleaning up. I go to get B out of her highchair and that's when I see the puddle. In the chair. A big one. Well, first I *felt* it, all over her backside, now all over my forearms and down my shirt. She peed.

There's no way to describe how dismal this made me feel. Especially after the coke incident. But, once again, we pushed our autopilot buttons and set about cleaning up THAT mess. Which was a little trickier than you might think, because it involved using tools to take all the straps and stuff off so they could go through the washing machine, since they had been sitting there in a puddle of urine. I figured a little washing machine action would do them good. So we stripped the chair down to its frame. Cleaned every square inch of it with disinfectant, and then reassembled it. Now I'm tired.

The highlight of the evening was when P pulled out a jar of homemade honey that one of his coworkers gave him. This fella keeps his own bees out on his farm, and he makes honey. I tasted it. It is AWESOME. Fresh new honey. Straight from the beehive. There's nothing like it.

After we put B to bed, I ate some ice cream. With chocolate sauce.

Then I went to bed myself. I slept very soundly and didn't feel like dying when the alarm went off this morning.

So now it's today, and not much has happened so far.

But it's still early. Anything could happen.

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