


Saturday update - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005
The woman I've been waiting for - Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
Get Lost - Monday, May. 23, 2005
So much to catch up on! - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
Returning home? - Saturday, May. 21, 2005

Lunchtime Celebration
2001-06-13, 7:21 a.m.

Today is the baby shower that I've been planning for the past couple of weeks. It's for a coworker whose baby is due about July 17th. I took up a collection and gathered $165 from the "shopping challenged" people, and spent Saturday morning picking out various items I think she will need - maybe even like. I received about 40 RSVP's, which is quite a good turnout for this place. I think part of it may be due to the fact that this girl is young, in a low paying position, and it's no secret that she could use some help. It could also be due to the fact that we're serving Mexican food for lunch. Tacos, tostadas, rice and salad from one of the yummy Mexican restaurants in the neighborhood. All paid for by the company. My company is great that way. Whenever there's something to celebrate, they foot the bill for the food and provide the facilities.

There is one aspect of throwing a baby shower, wedding shower, or whatever around here, though, that really makes my blood boil. There are some people, believe it or not, who show up for the luncheon without bringing a gift. Or without contributing to the group gift fund. They just show up to eat a free lunch. And have cake. These people really annoy me. I've never figured out an appropriate way to combat it, so this crime has gone unpunished for a long time. Some people are just stupid, I guess. I did attempt to thwart the free-loaders by stating in my company wide emails that I needed an RSVP indicating whether they were bringing their own gift, or contributing to the group gift. I think it was pretty clear that I expected everyone attending the luncheon to do one or the other. We'll see.

Unlike past showers I've coordinated, I solicited a lot of help for this one, and delegated everything. My job was to make the arrangements, collect the money, and go shopping. I have someone else taking care of the food, another is getting the cake, and yet another is doing the decorations. Thusly, this shower has been a lot less stressful and way more fun to plan than prior showers in which I've done the lion's share of the work. Plus, it gave more people a chance to be involved.

As for the gifts I purchased for the young lady, all I can say is "Well done, Whatawoman. Well done." I am nothing, if not a great shopper. Before I went shopping, I sat down with the girl and talked about the things she needed. My philosophy is that there's absolutely no sense in buying stuff that someone doesn't need or want. She was hesitant to register anywhere out of fear of seeming presumptuous. That poor girl. Afraid of looking like she's asking for handouts. Okay, so I knew this about her, and that's why I sat down to chat.

Much was revealed, and I walked away from the discussion with a whole lotta insight. So when I went shopping Saturday morning, I knew exactly what to get. And I got a lot of it. She should be quite pleased. Though I suspect she'll be feeling a little overwhelmed. There are going to be A LOT of gifts today -- at least there'd better be!!

I'm looking forward to it tremendously. I love baby showers. Even when they're not for me.

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